Monday, October 18, 2010

Why I do what I do-Learning to Communicate

One foot grounded with the other wandering around in the quirks of scientific research. There is much to benefit from a stronger scientific knowledge in our everyday life. From fixing something that's broke to making sense of life's oddities. This helps me equalize life.

I like science and I always have. I study qualitative science and communications. I want to help this progressive movement and its ways of discovery and skepticism.

Why I do:

It started with a personal discovery of my own. On a particularly bleak day I found a science magazine among the many that fit me more than any other. SEED.

Turning to the back page and I discovered what they call: Laboratory--in which the writers blow away the stereotypical image of the lab--the white washed room with beakers and white lab coats. The world, not a room, is a scientist's laboratory. Indoors and outside, under the ocean or inside the Sun's fusion reactor. The "lab" is never fixed.

This image is my driving force to do what I do:

An illiterate group, making a difference. This is symbolic of every human's ability to make a difference regardless of their current standing.

I feel this is the way to approach the general public and our science knowledge. I'm not worried about people understanding the intimacies of quantum theory or whether I twist their arm to consider the beauty of some cloud of gas in the universe (a nebula). What I want is for science to be disassociated with the white lab coat. For it to be taken out of a vacuum. Science is not just done by scientists.

Science is about inquiry--to explore an event or problem.